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Redmond Partner Group Support Policy


Customer Service Statement

We believe that amazing client support sets us apart from our competitors.  We want to give our clients empathic and appropriate support in the fastest way we can, without compromising quality.   The Redmond Partner Group is committed to delivering quality and responsive service for our clients by:

 · Striving to ensure customer satisfaction.

· Responding to requests for support within published time frames.

 · Interacting with our clients in courteous manner.

· Requesting feedback for opportunities for improvement.

· Continuously working to improve the quality of service.

· Regularly reviewing and monitoring established performance indicators.


Standard Support Hours

While we try to cover as many time zones as possible, we adhere to the following standard support hours.

  • Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM-8:00 PM US, CST

  • Target response time is within 2 hours of receipt

How to Contact Support

  • Reach out to your Redmond Partner Group Partner directly

  • Send an e-mail to that describes your issue and how we can help. 


Thank You for Contacting Us!

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